[Ebook] Data Marketplaces demystified: A practical guide for data leaders to generate data value for business users

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Anne-Claire Bellec

CMO, Opendatasoft

Anne-Claire Bellec has more than 15 years of experience in marketing strategy. She has previously held roles as Chief Marketing Officer and Director of Communication within both agencies and SaaS companies specializing in data and digital solutions.

In the blog Anne-Claire covers topics related to democratizing data in large organizations, both in France and internationally. Through her articles, she explores the main challenges that data leaders face in leveraging their data and creating value in their ecosystems.

She has also written on subjects related to digital customer experience and AI-based personalization (JDN) and on data governance strategy (ITSocial).

Anne-Claire Bellec
09 April 2024
Driven by the need to decarbonize, increase efficiency and meet changing customer needs, the transport and mobility sector is undergoing a rapid transformation. Data is at the heart of this, with data portals critical to building an effective, sustainable and customer-centric transport ecosystem.
Anne-Claire Bellec
25 March 2024
In a changing world, cities and municipalities need to provide seamless access to reliable, high-quality data to all employees if they are to meet their objectives around efficiency, improving the lives of residents, innovation and sustainability. We explain the importance of internal data portals to delivering on these needs.
Anne-Claire Bellec
19 March 2024
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is undergoing enormous transformation, guided by its Vision 2030 plan. Data is key to building this new, digital-first economy - and our experiences at the LEAP technology conference highlighted the vital role of data portals to successful change.
Anne-Claire Bellec
19 February 2024
Delivering smart city success starts with pilot projects to prove that concepts benefit the community. However, often projects fail to scale beyond their initial rollouts, meaning their benefits are lost. We explain the importance of data portals to maximize the chances of project success by seamlessly sharing information with stakeholders.
Anne-Claire Bellec
13 February 2024
Even more than in other areas data portals have a key role to play in delivering innovation, transparency and new services to citizens, businesses and governments across the Middle East. Based on best practice examples, we explain where should organizations focus when it comes to transforming their portals.
Anne-Claire Bellec
30 January 2024
What are the challenges municipalities face when it comes to effective data governance. We look at the importance of data portals and robust data governance programs to enable municipalities to securely share reliable, compliant data internally and externally.
Anne-Claire Bellec
15 January 2024
Data governance is critical to ensuring that data is reliable, trustworthy and accessible by the right users, enabling organizations to become truly data-centric. Ensuring that cloud-based data is well-governed brings new challenges around control, security and compliance - this blog explains how to overcome them.
Anne-Claire Bellec
08 January 2024
What is the state of open data maturity across Europe? We analyze the latest EU Open Data Maturity Report to understand progress to date and where countries need to focus to increase data sharing and enable data democratization.
Anne-Claire Bellec
05 December 2023
Data is critical to creating a more sustainable and greener society, particularly when it comes to building circular economies that reuse materials that would otherwise go to landfill. Read our blog to find out why data portals are essential to the data sharing that underpins circular economies.
Anne-Claire Bellec
28 November 2023
Extending data sharing across entire ecosystems drives transformative benefits in terms of efficiency, collaboration and innovation. While a new concept to many organizations, pioneers are already seeing the advantages of building external data ecosystems - we explore the foundations required, starting with intuitive, centralized data portals.
Anne-Claire Bellec
06 November 2023
Successfully harnessing data is at the heart of corporate success, putting the focus on the Chief Data Officer (CDO) to build data-centric organizations. However, CDOs face a wide range of challenges to achieving success. Our blog explains how implementing one-stop-shop data portals helps CDOs demonstrate value, unlock fresh resources and build for the future.
Anne-Claire Bellec
17 October 2023
Data is at the heart of creating more effective, citizen-centric and sustainable cities. Ensuring that the full potential of data is unlocked inside and outside city governments can appear daunting.
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