[Ebook] Data Marketplaces demystified: A practical guide for data leaders to generate data value for business users

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Anne-Claire Bellec

CMO, Opendatasoft

Anne-Claire Bellec has more than 15 years of experience in marketing strategy. She has previously held roles as Chief Marketing Officer and Director of Communication within both agencies and SaaS companies specializing in data and digital solutions.

In the blog Anne-Claire covers topics related to democratizing data in large organizations, both in France and internationally. Through her articles, she explores the main challenges that data leaders face in leveraging their data and creating value in their ecosystems.

She has also written on subjects related to digital customer experience and AI-based personalization (JDN) and on data governance strategy (ITSocial).

Anne-Claire Bellec
28 February 2023
To meet challenges around transparency, efficiency and accountability, central and local government organizations need to embrace data across their operations. How can they ensure that they successfully share data through self-service with all employees, elected officials, other government departments and external partners?
Anne-Claire Bellec
20 February 2023
Companies and public sector bodies are all at different stages of their data sharing journey. How can they learn from each other and apply the lessons to accelerate data democratization? To help, our new blog shares best practices from 5 data pioneers.
Anne-Claire Bellec
30 January 2023
While smart cities have been with us for a while, they are always evolving and moving forward. Digital twins are one of the latest innovations, but what are they and how do you build one? To find out we talked to George Reed of digital twin and smart solutions provider Siradel.
Anne-Claire Bellec
23 January 2023
Open data is vital to meet the growing needs of citizens, consumers and other stakeholders for increased public sector transparency. How are countries reacting to these demands? Learn more in the European Commission's 2022 Open Data Maturity report.
Anne-Claire Bellec
17 January 2023
What will 2023 bring for those of us working in the world of data? What are the key trends people need to be aware of? We’ve collected the opinions and predictions of a range of experts, including Forrester, Gartner, Microsoft and McKinsey, and have shared them below in our blog.
Anne-Claire Bellec
09 January 2023
In an increasingly urban world, there’s a real need for municipalities to become smarter. They have to become more efficient, innovative, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of stakeholders. Based on our new smart city ebook, this blog explains how open data fuels smart communities, providing in-depth use cases and strategies for success.
Anne-Claire Bellec
28 November 2022
What are the practical steps that organizations need to take when it comes to data governance? How can they ensure their programs deliver real business benefits? To learn the secrets of data governance success we interviewed industry expert Nicola Askham.
Anne-Claire Bellec
14 November 2022
Ensuring data flows effectively around your organization means adopting the right structure for your data team. What are the options and when should you pick a centralized, rather than decentralized approach? Our blog explains what you need to know when structuring your team.
Anne-Claire Bellec
24 October 2022
While data use and sharing is growing, it doesn’t mean that your data project will automatically get the senior management backing it needs to be successful. What are the challenges to having your project signed-off and how can they be overcome?
Anne-Claire Bellec
04 October 2022
The benefits of smart cities are universal and spread well beyond major conurbations. Municipalities of all sizes can become smart through a combination of open data, sensors and new ways of sharing information, whatever their budgets or resources.
Anne-Claire Bellec
26 September 2022
Searching for data shouldn’t be the equivalent of looking for a needle in a haystack. Our blog explains why you need natural language search within your data platform if you are to increase usage and drive data democratization.
Anne-Claire Bellec
07 September 2022
Introducing open data portals can transform the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of state judiciaries, sharing information with key stakeholders, from legislators and attorneys to citizens. By looking at the experiences of North Carolina, this blog outlines the benefits and challenges to opening up state judicial data.
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