[REPLAY] Product Talk: Using AI to enhance the data marketplace search experience

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Lauréline Saux
14 December 2023
Opendatasoft is launching a new AI-based feature: semantic search. This is based on a vector model for easier, enriched discovery of an organization's data assets on a data portal. To find out more, we interviewed Emmanuel Daubricourt, VP Product at Opendatasoft.
Anne-Claire Bellec
27 June 2022
Data mesh provides a different approach to sharing and re-using data to generate maximum benefit, inside and outside the organization. To find out how it helps deliver data democratization we asked Opendatasoft CTO and co-founder David Thoumas to share his views on the concept and what it means for the market.
Lauréline Saux
20 June 2022
Essentially using data effectively is at the heart of successful retail operations, whether personalizing the experience for customers and prospects or improving logistics operations. However, even though retailers understand the benefits, many still find it difficult to leverage their data effectively. To learn more about these challenges and how to overcome them, we interviewed Gilles Fiolet of consultancy CENISIS.
Anne-Claire Bellec
13 June 2022
Gaining true value from data means making it easy for anyone to create compelling data experiences. No-code solutions are central to this data democratization, allowing everyone to build data visualizations, apps and stories without requiring specialist skills. Our blog explains how the world is accelerating towards a no-code, data-driven future.
Lauréline Saux
06 June 2022
Our article explains best practices for implementing an effective CSR strategy tailored to your needs, using examples from Kering, SNCF, MAIF, EDF, and the city of Orléans.
Anne-Claire Bellec
31 May 2022
Alongside technology and processes a data-driven culture is key to embracing data democratization. We explain how you can create a data-driven culture in your organization, the pitfalls to overcome and best practices to drive success.
Anne-Claire Bellec
23 May 2022
Once you’ve chosen to embrace data democratization to serve your ecosystems with compelling data experiences your project needs the right technology and vendor partner to enable success. We explain what to look for when picking a technology platform in terms of features, support and relevant experience.
Anne-Claire Bellec
12 May 2022
Organizations across the world are increasingly looking at how they can turn their data into value by sharing it with their internal and external communities. To find out what is happening in the Australian market we interviewed Opendatasoft partner Peclet Technology.
Etienne Burdet
10 May 2022
We’ve all seen the formula, popularized by Airbnb and Google Maps, with a list on one side, a map on the other, a search field, and a geolocation button. How can you create your own version, based on sharing your data?
Anne-Claire Bellec
03 May 2022
Increasing data usage and driving data democratization relies on users engaging with your data. You cannot just build a portal, hope people will come and then know how to use your data. We explain four best practices for increasing engagement, based on international customer experience.
Lauréline Saux
25 April 2022
Looking to make your data more accessible and usable, but not a data specialist? Learn more about how the ODS Academy, Opendatasoft’s learning resources platform, can help.
Lauréline Saux
19 April 2022
Organizations are investing heavily in sophisticated solutions for collecting and storing enormous volumes of data. But are these investments worthwhile? Do they release data’s full potential and value?
Anne-Claire Bellec
12 April 2022
Strong data governance is vital to extend the use and value of your data across your organization and ecosystem, but also to protect it and meet regulatory obligations. We explain the benefits and challenges of data governance and share best practice advice for successfully introducing programs that will help you become a data-driven organization.
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