[REPLAY] Product Talk: Using AI to enhance the data marketplace search experience

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Lauréline Saux
14 December 2023
Opendatasoft is launching a new AI-based feature: semantic search. This is based on a vector model for easier, enriched discovery of an organization's data assets on a data portal. To find out more, we interviewed Emmanuel Daubricourt, VP Product at Opendatasoft.
Lauréline Saux
21 September 2015
As data is gaining prevalence in smart city strategies, there is a fear that a connected city would create “a vast arena of perfect and permanent surveillance". Data governance can solve this dilemma.
Lauréline Saux
10 September 2015
It is a nice, sunny week-end in Paris and you've already been to both permanent and temporary exhibitions at the two main Paris architecture museums (Cité de l'Architecture and Pavillon de l'Arsenal). And you were of course at the Centre Georges Pompidou for the opening of the Le Corbusier exhibition. You're afraid you've depleted all the architecture the local museums have to offer. But you still need your fix.
Etienne Burdet
03 September 2015
Without a basemap, your geographical data has little value. This blog post walks you through the definition of a basemap and how to choose one for your data platform.
Nicolas Terpolilli
12 August 2015
Read this blog post and explore data about yellow taxi journeys in New York City.
Lauréline Saux
12 May 2015
Toulouse Métropole, the urban community of Greater Toulouse, launches today the new version of its Open Data portal powered by OpenDataSoft.
Lauréline Saux
04 May 2015
This week, OpenDataSoft has cooked something special. After studying the Council of Paris, French trains' Open Data, Gender Equality in Europe and the state of Open Data in 2014, OpenDataSoft continues its Open Data Weekly series to show you how to create a map with Open Data. Au menu: the ultimate map of French Cheese, all in Open Data. Grab a piece of baguette and read on!
Adam Reiser
17 November 2014
We attended the ODI Summit a couple of weeks ago, and during a training session, a very interesting dataset was showcased: crime reports in the city of Chicago from 2001 to present.
Lauréline Saux
24 September 2014
We have the pleasure to present you our brand new series « Weekly Open Data». At OpenDataSoft, we love to roam the Internet to find the best datasets there are. We have decided to launch this on-going series with an infographic about TGV trains lateness, based on SNCF (French National Railway Company) regularity barometer published earlier this month. SNCF made its first move towards Open Data and Open Innovation during 2011. Its Open Data portal data.sncf.com has been powered by OpenDataSoft since 2012 and has allowed the company to share up to 45 datasets.
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