Success story

North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management increases transparency and supports decision-making with open data portal
Published on 01.08.2022
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To support informed decision-making and serve the growing needs of North Carolina, the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) needed a comprehensive, automated solution that would:
- House statistical data covering state population (including census data), labor force, education, and agriculture
- Make data available to users at all levels, from policymakers to citizens
- Enable users to instantly compare information about North Carolina with other states
- Increase transparency and citizen engagement around policymaking
Learn more about this open data project in this new customer story!
data items
API calls
As a state government we want to demonstrate that we are responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars and are operating efficiently. Good data drives smart decisions, and that’s what LINC provides. Working together with ODS has driven the project forward, helping us realize our vision for open data in North Carolina.
Governor’s Census Liaison, North Carolina State Data Center, Office of State Budget & Management, Demographic & Economic Analysis Section