[Webinar] Collaboration and Monetization of Data Products: The Role of the Data Marketplace

Save my place
Anne-Claire Bellec
23 October 2024
Chief Data Officers are central to organizations becoming data-centric, maximizing data sharing to ensure that everyone has immediate access to the information they need. We explore the challenges they face - and how they can be overcome with the right strategy and technology.
Kiki Li
01 September 2020
In the summer of 2020, I decided to join a tech startup in Paris, France amidst the global pandemic. Read more about what I learned during this unpredictable year.
Lauréline Saux
19 June 2020
Since their inception back in 1999, hackathons have evolved from software developers’ meetups into corporate and civic events embracing an increasingly wide range of topics and participants. By moving online during the Covid-19 lockdown, hackathons have become more inclusive and accessible than ever. 
Lauréline Saux
28 May 2020
Data is everywhere, even in places we don't expect it to be, like our User Clubs. Let's delve into the key figures and amusing details about them.
Adam Reiser
14 August 2019
Read this blog post to find out about some of the Opendatasoft platform’s main features and how they can help you reach your data sharing objectives.
Adam Reiser
12 August 2019
Ben Green studies the implementation and impacts of data science in local governments, with a focus on “smart cities” and the criminal justice system. His book, The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future, was published in April 2019 by MIT Press.
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