[REPLAY] Product Talk: Using AI to enhance the data marketplace search experience

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Lauréline Saux
14 December 2023
Opendatasoft is launching a new AI-based feature: semantic search. This is based on a vector model for easier, enriched discovery of an organization's data assets on a data portal. To find out more, we interviewed Emmanuel Daubricourt, VP Product at Opendatasoft.
Lauréline Saux
13 March 2023
This article outlines the data lake and data warehouse storage models, explaining their advantages and disadvantages for your organization.
Anne-Claire Bellec
06 March 2023
The General Data Protection Regulation has transformed how personal information is used and protected across the European Union. However, its impact goes much further, forming the basis of state legislation within the US. We explain why following its principles benefits all organizations in terms of compliance and good practice.
Anne-Claire Bellec
20 February 2023
Companies and public sector bodies are all at different stages of their data sharing journey. How can they learn from each other and apply the lessons to accelerate data democratization? To help, our new blog shares best practices from 5 data pioneers.
Lauréline Saux
13 February 2023
Since 2011, our Customer Success teams have worked with a range of public sector bodies and large enterprises, supporting more than 2,500 data projects in 25 countries. Our team is committed to quickly empowering our users to help them get the best from our platform, to facilitating collaboration with their stakeholders around data, and supporting them to achieve their strategic and operational goals.
Anne-Claire Bellec
23 January 2023
Open data is vital to meet the growing needs of citizens, consumers and other stakeholders for increased public sector transparency. How are countries reacting to these demands? Learn more in the European Commission's 2022 Open Data Maturity report.
Anne-Claire Bellec
17 January 2023
What will 2023 bring for those of us working in the world of data? What are the key trends people need to be aware of? We’ve collected the opinions and predictions of a range of experts, including Forrester, Gartner, Microsoft and McKinsey, and have shared them below in our blog.
Emmanuel Daubricourt
13 December 2022
Opendatasoft’s unique all-in-one data experience platform is continually being extended to help our clients turn their data into value. We explain key tech advances we’ve made in 2022 and look ahead to our development objectives for 2023.
Anne-Claire Bellec
16 August 2022
However, how data is used and how projects should be structured greatly varies between sectors. To understand how to deploy large-scale data projects that generate value, we interviewed Mick Levy, Director of Business Innovation at Business & Decision.
Lauréline Saux
22 July 2022
We can all easily access, create and share photos, messages, and videos every day. Yet we can’t simply access and consume data in the same way. Increasing data access and making it available for everyone to use therefore provides a real opportunity to increase value.
Anne-Claire Bellec
27 June 2022
Data mesh provides a different approach to sharing and re-using data to generate maximum benefit, inside and outside the organization. To find out how it helps deliver data democratization we asked Opendatasoft CTO and co-founder David Thoumas to share his views on the concept and what it means for the market.
Lauréline Saux
20 June 2022
Essentially using data effectively is at the heart of successful retail operations, whether personalizing the experience for customers and prospects or improving logistics operations. However, even though retailers understand the benefits, many still find it difficult to leverage their data effectively. To learn more about these challenges and how to overcome them, we interviewed Gilles Fiolet of consultancy CENISIS.
Anne-Claire Bellec
13 June 2022
Gaining true value from data means making it easy for anyone to create compelling data experiences. No-code solutions are central to this data democratization, allowing everyone to build data visualizations, apps and stories without requiring specialist skills. Our blog explains how the world is accelerating towards a no-code, data-driven future.
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