[REPLAY] Product Talk: Using AI to enhance the data marketplace search experience

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Anne-Claire Bellec
23 October 2024
Chief Data Officers are central to organizations becoming data-centric, maximizing data sharing to ensure that everyone has immediate access to the information they need. We explore the challenges they face - and how they can be overcome with the right strategy and technology.
Anne-Claire Bellec
28 February 2023
To meet challenges around transparency, efficiency and accountability, central and local government organizations need to embrace data across their operations. How can they ensure that they successfully share data through self-service with all employees, elected officials, other government departments and external partners?
Anne-Claire Bellec
17 January 2023
What will 2023 bring for those of us working in the world of data? What are the key trends people need to be aware of? We’ve collected the opinions and predictions of a range of experts, including Forrester, Gartner, Microsoft and McKinsey, and have shared them below in our blog.
Anne-Claire Bellec
28 November 2022
What are the practical steps that organizations need to take when it comes to data governance? How can they ensure their programs deliver real business benefits? To learn the secrets of data governance success we interviewed industry expert Nicola Askham.
Anne-Claire Bellec
14 November 2022
Ensuring data flows effectively around your organization means adopting the right structure for your data team. What are the options and when should you pick a centralized, rather than decentralized approach? Our blog explains what you need to know when structuring your team.
Anne-Claire Bellec
24 October 2022
While data use and sharing is growing, it doesn’t mean that your data project will automatically get the senior management backing it needs to be successful. What are the challenges to having your project signed-off and how can they be overcome?
Anne-Claire Bellec
11 October 2022
To meet its current challenges around sustainability, efficiency, transparency and innovation the UK utility sector needs to become more data-driven. Introducing our new utility ebook, this blog outlines the obstacles to data democratization and how the industry can overcome them, based on best practice and data sharing use cases from across Europe.
Lauréline Saux
19 September 2022
Today’s more connected world means that we are surrounded by data. Connected consumers and industrial devices, and Internet of Things sensors, generate terabytes of information every minute. But how can companies turn this data into value and new opportunities? Our blog looks at what is needed to transform industrial data into a business and societal asset.
Lauréline Saux
22 July 2022
We can all easily access, create and share photos, messages, and videos every day. Yet we can’t simply access and consume data in the same way. Increasing data access and making it available for everyone to use therefore provides a real opportunity to increase value.
Anne-Claire Bellec
27 June 2022
Data mesh provides a different approach to sharing and re-using data to generate maximum benefit, inside and outside the organization. To find out how it helps deliver data democratization we asked Opendatasoft CTO and co-founder David Thoumas to share his views on the concept and what it means for the market.
Lauréline Saux
06 June 2022
Our article explains best practices for implementing an effective CSR strategy tailored to your needs, using examples from Kering, SNCF, MAIF, EDF, and the city of Orléans.
Anne-Claire Bellec
31 May 2022
Alongside technology and processes a data-driven culture is key to embracing data democratization. We explain how you can create a data-driven culture in your organization, the pitfalls to overcome and best practices to drive success.
Lauréline Saux
19 April 2022
Organizations are investing heavily in sophisticated solutions for collecting and storing enormous volumes of data. But are these investments worthwhile? Do they release data’s full potential and value?
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